NOVA Spektrum - Lillestrøm

What's on our agenda in 2022

Thursday 24 November 2022

12:00 - 13:00

DARK arkitekter - Sebastian Gulliksen Stokkebokjær & Erik Ege

DARK Arkitekter, by Sebastian Gulliksen Stokkebokjær and Erik Ege, come to share their thoughts on the materials of the future. A holistic architectural work should have sustainability in the centre, and then the material choices play an essential role. The architectural office will present a concrete case with the SporX project in Drammen; a building of ten floors, built in short-standing solid wood, which has had the ambition of becoming the Nordic region's most sustainable office building. Throughout the life of the project, there has been an uncompromising focus on maximizing the use of wood and exposed wood surfaces. In collaboration with skilled partners, there has been a strong focus on innovation. A concrete result is an innovation in fire protection of solid wood elements, which can revolutionize the construction industry and make possible something that was previously impossible; to build large buildings in pure wood in a dense urban situation.

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